Labor & Delivery
Map Out Their Journey Home
CareBoards communication boards feature custom graphics for patients in labor and delivery and postpartum. These examples feature an easy to follow checklist that allow new Moms to know what to expect once baby arrives, such as newborn exam, birth certificate paperwork, and other steps. It also has common information such as a pain scale, visiting hours, and care team contact information.
As with all CareBoards products, all aspects of the design can be customized to reflect your hospital brand and your own unique communication needs.

All CareBoards patient room communication boards are built to your unique requirements. You have 15 colors to choose from and 5 standard sizes, and we can support your custom size requirements.
We print the graphics to meet your needs and branding requirements. Here’s some sample designs.
View the Graphics Examples page to to see a variety of designs for other hospital units and healthcare applications.